ACR 2886 Aislink Man Overboard Beacon
ACR 2886 Aislink Man Overboard Beacon
21 in stock
The ACR 2886 AISLink Man Overboard Beacon makes overboard situations less daunting with its Automatic Identification System (AIS) and integrated Digital Selective Calling (DSC) and GPS technology. Perfect for emergency situations, the AISLink quickly transmits an alert to all local vessels within a 5-mile range, providing your exact location and notifying first responders. Its lithium metal batteries provide a 24+ hour operational life, while its durable housing can withstand a 20m drop into water. To ensure compatibility, it is recommended to check with your equipment manufacturer, as DSC functionality may vary. With an easy initial programming process and features such as a dual alert via AIS and DSC, onboard GPS, and a bright LED strobe light, the ACR 2886 AISLink is an essential safety device for any vessel.